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A true facial favorite. This lightweight, nutrient rich cream precisely hydrates the skin to make it luminous and vibrant.
A commitment to natural self-care
See Our PhilosophyAmanda Seyfried
"I'm crazy about the [Epicuren] Ultra Rose Treat Enzyme Moisturizer most of all. I'm relieved to know what works for me."
Kate Bosworth
"I cleanse [my face] morning and night with Epicuren Herbal Cleanser. It's gentle but still effective. And then I use Epicuren Acidophilus Probiotic Facial Cream. It's super-neutralizing and not overly hydrating, so it's good if you have oily skin. If I need a bit more moisture I use Epicuren Hydro Plus."
Glamour Magazine
"Most famously known from an appearance (or several) on Kim Kardashian's Snapchat, this classic face cream is pretty much only known through word of mouth—I don't think I've ever seen it at an actual brick-and-mortar store. But ship this one home ASAP: The user reviews are as glowing as the cream itself." [Colostrum Luminous Glow Cream]